Instead of trying to shoehorn in the aforementioned movement with console controls, it makes more sense to make generic movement like what we see in the current Doom title. That is also why I am quite sure we won't see any complex movement like bhopping or strafe jumping, because Bethesda will probably be focusing on making the gameplay on both the PC and console versions similar. If there is an complexity, people want it in character classes and stats, like what we see MOBA games or Overwatch, not in execution. No doubt that this new Quake game will never play like Q3 or the older Quake titles, because the devs are smart enough to realize that this new generation of FPS players don't want to play a game that is mechanically complex to play. However, I can't blame Bethesda for everything. So effectively you can't even get the same amazing co-op experience you could with the older Doom titles. You can't do many creative things with SnapMap, which is quite bad since it is the only mode where you can play co-op. The ability to fully mod the game is what made Doom great and last for decades. We already saw how Bethesda shitted on Doom by not giving access to a proper level editor.

Actually I'm disappointed to hear this news because I don't want to see Bethesda ruining another one of my beloved ID Software titles.